Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 3 out of 365.

Half off all Frappuccinos at Starbucks during happy hour 3:00-5:00 :DDD Yummy. I love caramel frappuccinos<3

Shirt of the day. (From Forever 21)

Meet my pet fish named Fishy :P My bf got him for me on our one year anniversary [December 6,2009]<33333 (I know his bowl needs to be cleaned...

My sort of dinner. HORRIBLE, but love 'em.


  1. aww Starbucks D:
    And nice top, looks really cool! :)

  2. fraps! yum! and we have betta fishes too! we have two, and if you let them see each other, they'll go crazy. oh, and I've been with my bf for almost 2 years (in 2 months)! he sucks. hahaha
